we could predict the predictable but be aware for what is unpredictable... life is a mystery that awaits u to reveal what is behind all things that happen in ur life... happy blogging!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

people are different...


what's the title?? ahh... people... factually, there are billion of people in this world but each of them has different fingerprints...

me think that they have their own traits too... cheerful, emo, modest, bold, stubborn, generous, stingy and more adjective that u can search in dictionary...

so, its hard to understand other person... as they can change in second- that's possible... then don't judge book by its cover... maybe the person looks like kind and generous but maybe, at the back they may have negative traits... lier, contaminant... or maybe they seems very bad, the king of gangster, mat samseng, yakuza, but deep inside their heart maybe they are polite to their parents more than u, hardworking... who knows...ALLAH knows everything...


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